Search Results for: colin hines

Remembering Colin Hines (1927-2020).

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the … Continue reading

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GMU’s department of atmospheric, oceanic, and Earth sciences fixes the PhD qualifying exam.

Physics Today’s July 2024 issue provides the happy news, in an article authored by Timothy DelSole and Paul A. Dirmeyer. They begin in this (excerpted) vein: As senior scientists, we have navigated the challenging waters of the PhD qualifying exam—both … Continue reading

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Innovation? It’s similar to a tractor pull. As a nation, we should take heed and prepare accordingly.

A vignette: in the 1990’s, I did a fair bit of government-related travel. Too many sleepless nights in distant hotel rooms, too tired to read, biological clock messed up, but there would be TV. Would tune around looking for sports … Continue reading

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